If you are developing a Responsive Webpage or a Fluid Web page, you would have definitely come across scenarios where you wanted to fit in a large image within a smaller DIV without distorting it or breaking the aspect ratio. Well, this can be done easily using the max-width
Let’s assume that I have an image which is 768px wide and I want to fit it within a DIV whose width is 320px. Let’s call the DIV as “figure-container” . To fit the image within the “figure-container” DIV, I should be using the max-width
property to the image. Hence my CSS might look similar to the following :
This would ensure that the image’s width does not exceed 100% of the DIV’s width. Which means my image which was of 768px would now fit within the 320px DIV while maintaining the aspect-ratio too. However, please remember that depending on your scenario, you might have to use the display
property too. You may set the display to block
or inline-block
The other way to do this is by using the object-fit property on the image.
How to fit an image in div using CSS object-fit?
You can also use the object-fit
property of CSS3 to fit your image within the parent DIV. All you have to do is to add the object-fit property to the image. The Object-fit property has 4 values, they are :
1. fill – This would stretch the image to fit the content box.
2. contain – This would scale the image up or down to fill the content box while maintaining the aspect-ratio.
3. cover – This would fill the content box with the image while maintaining the aspect-ratio, but might crop the image in this process.
4. none – The image would retain its original dimensions.
5. scale-down – The image would be sized like using the none or contain property while generating the smallest concrete object size.
When you use the object-fit
property to fit the image within the DIV, you would have to use it along with one of the fill
, cover
or contain
value. However, please note that the support for object-fit
across devices and browsers is still evolving so please do check for the browser support before you use it. There are a couple of PolyFills available for object-fit, however please try those out before you actually go ahead and use it on a live site.